Saturday, January 02, 2010

Knik 200

Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission

Jon Little's daughter helping him get ready to run
Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission

Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission
This one had to be early on, but not sure what time Barb took it.

Cool photo, dogs and the moon
Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission

Must be getting close to start time...
Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission

Photo by Barb Redington, used with permission.
Barb's out near the end of the chute for this one, looking back toward the Knik Bar

This one and the rest are mine. I'm not real happy with these pix -- my camera was even less happy with the cold -- but figure something is better than nothing. In any case, Martin wasn't there but Sue Allen was there with one of his puppy teams.

Nice doggie coats.

Kim Trickett approaches the line to start.

Not sure whose teams, but think the one on the right is Jon Little's team. Always fun to look out over the prep area and watch the dogs being harnessed and then being impatient as they await their turns.

The race started at ten, so the light still wasn't real strong. This is Erin Redington waiting, Ryan (I think) right in front of her playing handler.

Erin's team at the line. I think she's wearing one of the parkas she made.

Erin heading off across the lake. One of her hurdles in this race is that the dogs essentially pass their kennel, so practice like this race is great for them to learn that you don't turn in just because you're passing your turn.

One of Lee Kearney's dogs slipped a harness, so everyone was reacting to that and heading to help.

As they struggle to get Lee's dog re-harnessed, the handlers move Lee's team over and Jon Little's team (rear) is brought into the chute. They'd get Jon underway, then let Lee go. BTW, today is Jon's birthday, so happy birthday, Jon, and have a great race.

A couple of Jon's dogs.

They're off....and my camera is whining that it doesn't wanna take a picture cos it's cold out there! Ha

I think these are Hugh Neff's dogs, which means I somehow missed Varan Hoyt. Sorry, Varan.

This is definitely Hugh, putting a dog back where it belongs as it hopped the gangline with seconds to spare.

Relo Burri, one of the new names to me.

Relo is off. See the ladder? See the person on the ladder? That's Barb Redington, who obviously took a hint from Jeff Schultz on how to get good angles for photos.

Sue Allen heading to the chute with a Buser puppy team.


And Sue again, surrounded at the line.

Caleb Hathaway, another new name for me.
Caleb. I was edging off the lake, gotta admit, hearing the warmth of the bar calling me, so this one was taken from behind the musher, giving you their view as they await time to go.

Ken Anderson, defending champion

Ken at the line. I kept having the urge to run up and fix bibs, but managed to restrain myself. Ha

Still back at the truck, Karin chats as she awaits her turn.

That's Doug Grilliot holding Dave Dalton's (#13) dogs.

As you can see, I'm working my way off the lake.

Sharing some love

The truck was Vern's, but not sure if the dogs are his or not and never got a chance to ask.
Last musher to go out, Misha Pedersen

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