The message from Karen to the moose was quite clear, go away.
Yeah, Willow has snow.
Willow also, sigh, has moose. Those are moose tracks going up the banks alongside the road where we walked in from parking.
That is also snow outside Donna's window. True, some of it is from the snow that was on her roof that had to be shoveled off but that's still a freaking amount of snow.
Bad me. I kinda knew which dog was which on Friday but that info has long since fled from my brain. If anyone has time to ID the dogs for me, I'll add that info, tho'.
Karen having a chat with Irving.
Buried dog house.
If you're wondering why you aren't seeing any dog houses, it's cos they were long buried in the snow. The poles indicate where one is....somewhere.... tho'.
Oh, there's a doghouse....
Jinx (I think)
Dog truck in the driveway
Uh, oh, the moose obviously can't read.
Just a random shot as I walked to the cul de sac to leave.
Thanks for sharing!
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